Indoor Access Points – tugijaamad siseruumidesse
LANCOM L-822acn dual WirelessSoodsa hinnaga ja 2×2 MIMO seadmega saad luua kiire ja töökindla ärikasutaja WLAN-i tugijaama. Ruuter pakub WLAN-i 11n klientidele ühendust 2,4 GHz sagedusalal kiirusega kuni 300 Mbit/s ja uusima 11ac standardi toega seadmetele ühendust 5 GHz sagedusalas kiirusega kuni 867 Mbit/s. Kahe raadiomooduliga saab üheaegselt töötada mõlemas sagedusalas.
LANCOM LN-830acn dual WirelessKahe raadiomooduliga suurettevõtete nõudike lahenduste jaoks mõeldud 11ac standardi toega WLAN-i tugijaam on tagasihoidliku ja elegantse disainiga, nii et sobib igasugustesse oludesse erinevates ruumides. Maksimaalne ühenduskiirus on 867 Mbit/s, klientseadmeid teenindatakse nii 11n võrgus 2,4 GHz sagedusalas kui ka 11ac võrgus 5 GHz sagedusalas.
LANCOM L-151gn WirelessKahe raadiomooduliga võimekas 11ac toega WLAN-i tugijaam pakub ühenduskiirusi kuni 1300 Mbit/s. Lisaks 11n standardiga 2,4 GHz sagedusalal kiire ühenduse pakkumisele toetab ruuter ka uut kiiret 11ac standardit 5 GHz sagedusalas. Seega saab L-1302acn abiga pakkuda kiiret traadita võrku praktiliselt kõikidele moodsatele ja vanematele seadmetele kohtades, kus on suur kasutajate arv.
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LANCOM L-452agn dual WirelessKahe raadiomooduliga intelligetne ja kiire WLAN pöörduspunkt LANCOM L-452agn dual Wireless on parim valik kiire ja suure läbilaskevõimega WLAN võrkude loomiseks tihedalt asustatud keskkonnas. Kahe raadiomooduliga suudab seade tagada kuni 450 Mbit/s ühenduskiiruse üheaegselt nii 2,4 GHz kui 5 GHz sagedusala klientidele, mis tagab suurepärase ühenduse isegi paljude traadita võrgu seadmetega koormatud piirkondadest – hotellides, konverentsikeskustes, tihedalt asustatud büroopiirkondades. Täiendava meetmena pakub LANCOM L-452agn administraatoritele võimaluse kasutada spektraalanalüüsi, mis aitab raadiovõrgu probleeme lahendada.
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LANCOM L-451agn WirelessIntelligetne ja kiire, ühe raadiomooduliga WLAN pöörduspunkt LANCOM L-451agn on parim lahendus kõrgete kiiruse ja jõudluse nõudmistega traadita ärilahenduse loomiseks. Tehniliselt võimaldab see administraatoritel kasutada kas 2,4 või 5 GHz sagedusala. Maksimaalne 450 Mbit/s ühenduskiirus teeb seadme sobivaks videopildi edastamiseks, eri hoonete vahel punktist-punkti ühenduste loomiseks või mobiilsete seadmetega ühenduse pidamiseks ettevõtte territooriumil.
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LANCOM IAP-321Professional 802.11n access point with full-metal housing for demanding applications The LANCOM IAP-321 meets the highest standards both in wireless LAN performance and in terms of housing design. This dual-band 802.11n access point features MIMO technology for high data rates. The support of VLAN and Multi-SSID makes it the right choice for virtualized networks. The LANCOM IAP-321 is a true all- rounder: It has a fullmetal housing of subdued design and fitted with an intelligent Kensington lock for anti- theft protection. This makes it ideal for highly frequented areas such as hotels, universities, or public buildings. The LANCOM IAP- 321 can also be employed in areas such as unheated warehouses and production facilities: The unit is dust-proof to the IP-50 protection rating and operates in a temperature range from -20°C to +50°C. In combination with the three options for mounting and the three different power supply types, this device offers unparalleled flexibility.
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LANCOM L-322agn dual WirelessDual Radio Access Point with high speed 802.11n WLAN The LANCOM L-322agn dual Wireless is a High Speed Dual Radio and Dual Band Access Point. With its two 11n radio modules it operates simultaneously in 2.4 and 5 GHz and can be connected to Gigabit Ethernet as well as to Fast Ethernet networks. It features RSMA connectors for special applications requiring external antennas, for example high speed point to point links. Flexible power supply either via adapter or 802.3af PoE. Numerous security features like WPA2, 802.1X, Multi-SSID and VLAN ensure that this Access Point meets professional needs. The LANCOM L-322agn dual Wireless works as a standalone Access Point which can be managed by a LANCOM WLAN Controller as well.
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LANCOM L-321agn WirelessSingle Radio Access Point with IEEE 802.11n WLAN The LANCOM L-321agn Wireless is an extrem performant dual band Access Point with Gigabit connectors which operates either in the 2.4 or 5-GHz band. It features RSMA connectors for special applications requiring external antennas, for example outdoor point to point links. The power supply which is compliant with the 802.3af PoE standard, numerous security features such as WPA2, 802.1X, Multi-SSID and VLAN are just a few reasons why this Access Point easily meets professional demands. The LANCOM L-321agn Wireless works as a standalone Access Point which can be managed by a LANCOM WLAN Controller as well.
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LANCOM L-320agn WirelessAccess Point for highly discreet WLAN installations The LANCOM L-320agn is a 802.11n dual band access point with an integrated MIMO antenna which operates either in the 2.4 or 5-GHz band. It is ideally suited for places where external antennas should be avoided to prevent theft, for example in locations such as hospitals, schools or hotels. As this access point features 802.3af Power over Ethernet, it can even be installed if no wall sockets are available.
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LANCOM L-1310acn dual WirelessDual-radio high-performance 11ac WLAN access point with up to The LANCOM L-1310acn dual Wireless is a powerful 11ac WLAN high-performance access point. It provides fast WLAN to 11n clients in the 2.4-GHz frequency band and also to the increasing number of modern 11ac-enabled devices in the 5-GHz band. It offers wireless freedom for virtually every industry and application especially in high-density environments. Thanks to its integrated antennas and white housing it is ideal for an inconspicuous application in modern environments.
![]() Product details: datasheet (PDF) |
LANCOM L-460agn dual WirelessDual-radio premium business 11n WLAN access point in elegant design with up to 450 Mbps The LANCOM L-460agn dual Wireless is a powerful 11n WLAN premium business access point. It simultaneously provides professional and reliable WLAN to 11n clients in the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz band with optimized network load. Due to the integrated 3×3 MIMO technology is it the right choice for an optimal radio coverage especially in high-density environments. Thanks to its integrated antennas and white housing it is ideal for an inconspicuous application in modern environments.
![]() Product details: datasheet (PDF) |
LANCOM L-151gn WirelessSingle Radio Entry 11n WLAN access point with up to 150 Mbps The LANCOM L-151gn Wireless is a professional 11n WLAN premium entry access poibnt. It serves 11n clients with professional and reliable WLAN in the 2.4 GHz frequency band and is therefore the ideal entry device for the business field in LANCOM premium quality.
![]() Product details: datasheet (PDF) |